miercuri, 4 februarie 2015

Download 3D fractal art software Substance for free

3D fractal art software Substance
Stephane Marty has made Substance (organic and 3D fractal software) and Emulsion (photorealistic rendering) available to download free.

Create organic 3D forms quickly and intuitively

Substance is an intuitive tool for generating 3D fractals and organic forms.
You can use a ‘fractal microscope’ to navigate 2D fractals and isolate sections and convert them into 3D forms.

The resulting geometry can be exported in OBJ format, using a built-in mesh-decimation algorithm; or rendered using Substance’s P.U.R.E. unbiased rendering engine. There’s even support for augmented reality.
3D fractal art software Substance

The second application, Emulsion, is a progressive real-time physically based renderer. It works in CPU-based, GPU-based and hybrid modes, and supports multi-core and Hyper-Threaded systems.
The software includes a basic materials editor and camera settings, and supports tone mapping.
It imports 3DS, OBJ, DAE, DXF, PLY, STL and RAW files and exports HDR and EXR files – and again, has a built-in augmented reality option.

System requirements and availability
Both Substance and Emulsion are compatible with Windows XP and above, although for Emulsion, you’ll need to be running a 64-bit OS. Emulsion’s GPU rendering mode supports both Nvidia and AMD cards.
Both applications are free downloads and are provided without support or documentation: note that the inline help no longer works, since NeuroSystems’ servers have now been shut down.
Download Substance from Stephane Marty’s website
Download Emulsion from Stephane Marty’s website

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